AH.FM Reboots

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Chillaxing DJ
Resident DJ
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe a little suggestion here for not doing the next reboot during the shows? Because it really messes up a lot for the dj's coming up after the reboot. This reboot is now taking 35 min already and still a lot of dj's have to play. Especially on Thursday when a lot of people tune in after ASOT or after GDJB it could be a turndown i think. no offence tho..

Why not reboot when no shows are on? in that way nobody has to miss anything and everything will still be on time :) + when you do a reboot during that time there will be less listeners affected by this reboot.

cheers :)

edit: k , this was an emergency reboot: no harm done :p there was no way i could know that before making this post.
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I totally agree, rebooting right before a show fucks a lot of things up
this was an emergency reboot. its back up now ..

im in europe now at a cafe so.. i did what i could.

lol, this wasn't planned i can assure you mr. Config...
Too bad there was not way to warn people about a reboot, but once again if it was something that had to be done then it had to be done... so be it
this was an emergency reboot. its back up now ..

im in europe now at a cafe so.. i did what i could.


Lucky S.O.B. when are you coming back?
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